Tag Archives: Eczema

Stick to 100% Cotton for Kids with Eczema {natural remedies}

11 Oct

organic cotton prevents and treats baby eczemaIn honor of eczema awareness month, I’m going to be sharing some of my tips for preventing and treating eczema for little ones.  Each case of eczema is different, and while I’m not a doctor, I do have a kid with eczema and have researched and tried many home remedies to see if any of them will work for my little lady.


My first tip is to eliminate all clothing from your baby’s wardrobe that’s made from anything other than 100% cotton, and try to buy 100% organic cotton.  When skin is cracked and dry it’s easier for bacteria and chemicals to get in so organic cotton is even more important for those with eczema.  I know, organic cotton clothes are expensive, but I’ve found that it really makes a difference for my toddler- especially in the winter when her flare-ups are worse.  If it isn’t practical for you to buy all 100% organic cotton clothing, buy cotton (preferably organic) onesies  and put them under every outfit. This money-saving tip works if the eczema is limited to the torso or back, since the onesie will prevent other fabrics from touching the sensitive skin.  Under shirts or leggings can be used for the same purpose, which I have done for special occasions when I wanted to put the little miss in a super cute outfit that wasn’t 100% cotton. I have found that as long as the sensitive areas of skin are only in contact with cotton, you can layer other pieces over the base layer without exacerbating the eczema.  Be sure to check the label of everything – just because it’s “eco-friendly” doesn’t mean it’s 100% organic cotton.  Bamboo and other eco-friendly fabrics are still more irritating to sensitive skin than cotton.

*Stay tuned for a giveaway from Kate Quinn Organics next week – one of my fave organic children’s clothing brands. It’s an amazing giveaway that will help you start an organic cotton wardrobe for your little one so get excited!